Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I Learned/What's next

I came into Ms.McKenna's class at the beginning of this year not totally sure of what I got myself into. Seeing as how I chose to do creative writing so that I wouldn't have to do a regular lit. class. I really just saw the class as an easier alternative to the other lit. classes. I mean who wants to sit in class and fill out literature packets, when you could just easily write silly blurbs and witty puns to put in the school's Ego. But I soon came to find out my mistake. I was instantly thrown into a course where a majority of the class was on a completely higher level of writing than myself. Assignments were given that went way over my head, either that or I was too busy goofing off all the time. But then on that unreal day, that out-of-no-where day, our teacher passes away. Being a big blow to our school, the class was thrown into a confused state. Different faces trying to teach me the things Ms. McKenna left off at. I can definitely say it was a first for my school years. But then, oh hey look another sub today,. "hello class my name is Mr.Good, and I will be teaching your class for the next quarter."
I had never had Mr.Good as a teacher before in high school, but I had heard he was a very good teacher. For the next four months Mr.Good had opened my eyes to see that my perspective of literature was, for the most part very poor. I never thought that there would be a day in my life where I actually enjoy writing pages upon pages of stories, or reciting poetry in front of a class. I can honestly say that 6th period creative writing class was my favorite class of the day. The class had taught me new skills, not only of literature, but of things I do on day to day basis. My 6th period journal is half way full, and I'm planning on filling more journals, pieces of paper, and blog posts full of wonderful words of wildly wittiness. But it of course has to happen, we lose another teacher. This Friday, our somewhat of a literature teacher is leaving the class to continue on with his life. But not all things are bad, out of death comes life, and out of Mr.Good leaving comes Mr.Dwyer. Mr.Dwyer will be our teach from the begging of this semester till the end of this year. I didn't know Mr.Dwyer very well when he showed up to our 6th period class that day. I'm still not 100% on who this guy is that will be leading this class of high school students to our summer, but from what I've seen, I like him, and I'm sure he will do a great job of stepping into Good's shoes and leading us to eternal glory. Who knows what this next semester will bring. But I know that I will be enjoying this 6th period class a lot more, thanks to two of the most influential teachers I've had, Ms.McKenna and of course Mr.Good.
Photo Credit For Bong Hits For Jesus, Mr.Good.

Blog Review

Boss hoggin

I quite enjoy this blog "boss hoggin". The amount of amusing photos and humor on all of his posts, make It and interesting and fun blog to read.

Dipped in sauce?

The blogger of this blog is a person i know quite well, but I will certainly not be biased. This blog page is adequate, not the most beautiful work of art I've layed my pupils upon. But i guess its a blog, nothing more.


The abundance of material on this page makes it stand out. One of the pictures he used for an image on his riff was very creative and crazy. Its even more top notch seeing as how the posts are quality and not just random rambles thrown together.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Break Like a Bawz

The second best break in our high school year. So of course a student like myself is obligated to go total ham for those two weeks of absolute freedom.  Fresh powder, late nights, boss hoggin', just the usual festivities to be a part of. Your schedule is garunteed to be 100% filled. I found myself having no time to do any personal things, not even a lot of time to engage in slumber. This winter break for me deffinently not a lazy time, i've probably done more things than I have in any other long spand of time where I don't need to worry about what time i have to wake up. Good winter break, thats basically all I have to say about that subject.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Discrimination- Kenneth Rexroth

I don’t mind the human race.   
I’ve got pretty used to them   
In these past twenty-five years.   
I don’t mind if they sit next   
To me on streetcars, or eat   
In the same restaurants, if   
It’s not at the same table.   
However, I don’t approve   
Of a woman I respect
Dancing with one of them. I’ve   
Tried asking them to my home   
Without success. I shouldn’t   
Care to see my own sister   
Marry one. Even if she
Loved him, think of the children.   
Their art is interesting,   
But certainly barbarous.   
I’m sure, if given a chance,   
They’d kill us all in our beds.   
And you must admit, they smell.

Friday, November 18, 2011


For my remembrance article, I chose to use the book "Green Eggs and Ham" by the master himself, Dr. Suess. Now you might be wondering, Green Eggs and Ham, why would you do such a thing. Well when i was a youngin' back in the day, I'd have to say that was my favorite book, ever. It got to a point where  memorized the whole thing and could recite it on spot, anywhere, anytime. So when i think of i think of Green Eggs and Ham, I remember being a wee-young chap in school. Here are some lines from Green Eggs and Ham.

"I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat them in the rain.I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE!
I do not like green eggs
and ham!
I do not like them,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011